The Westminster Law School Degree Show ‘Our Graduate Journey’ has recently been held to encourage Law students to understand their degree through an alternatively creative medium.


The Law School Degree Show is an annual event at Westminster for all final year undergraduate students of Law, being in its fifth iteration this year. Students are encouraged to think of the law, justice, their responsibility in politics as Law students, and their three-year course, and find a way of expressing this in a non-textual format. Westminster encourages the development of extracurricular skills and taking risks, both in terms of the format and the content of the work.

The Degree Show was an unlimited success. More than one hundred students showcased their work and received great feedback from staff and peers. Learning from last year’s online experience, Westminster Law School specifically dedicated time to physically presenting some of the most striking works and briefly interviewing some students on stage.

Looking back on their student lives and creating something representative of their personal student journey is a key aspect of the show. One of the highlights this year was Matilde Fossali, who shot a dance video in the place she was sexually assaulted a year ago, with a tremendously moving VoiceOver thinking about body, space, law and vulnerability. There were further various performances that demonstrated creativity and passion for the law.

Third-year undergraduate Law student Lamis Elsaafin commented on the Westminster Law School Degree: “The degree show was one of the most important days I’ve been through, because it was the first time I got the chance to show what I really love and enjoy doing - and having support from the organisers, other professors, and even students, was amazing. It really gave me the chance to show people what type of person I am, and I got the opportunity to receive positive feedback, which really gave me the boost to start thinking about a way to continue further with what I love doing, keeping in essence my love for supporting people.”

Watch the Westminster Law School Degree Show on YouTube.

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