The event, which was held in collaboration with London Higher’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Network, saw Lord Mann, independent adviser to the UK government on antisemitism, in conversation with Professor Dibyesh Anand to discuss the challenges of antisemitism in higher education (HE) and beyond in Fyvie Hall on 29 March 2023.

Lord John Mann in conversation with Professor Dibyesh Anand in front of a small audience in Fyvie Hall

The event began with opening remarks from Professor Anand, Co-chair of Westminster’s EDI Committee as well as the Chair of London Higher’s EDI Network, before he posed questions to Lord Mann about his report, out later this year, which will look at the experiences of Jewish staff and students across UK campuses.

Based on meetings with over 40 UK higher education institutions (HEIs), relevant providers, and other stakeholders, the report will highlight key issues and provide recommendations on what more can be done to support Jewish staff and students on campus. The report will also be accompanied by a Good Practice Guide containing numerous examples of policies, initiatives, and case studies from universities taking proactive steps to improve the experience of Jewish staff and student life on campus.

Lord Mann explained the roots of antisemitism as a problem on university campuses, what is and is not working currently across the HE sector, and why he felt the report was necessary. He emphasised the importance of listening to, and respecting, Jewish students and staff, in the same way that institutions should do for other communities.

On the subject of best practice, Lord Mann specifically congratulated Westminster on its ongoing work to combat antisemitism and support Jewish students, including its engagement with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.

This reflects Westminster’s strong commitment to embedding diversity, inclusion and equality of opportunity into all of its engagement with students and colleagues, and promoting an environment where everyone can bring their whole self to work or study and know they belong; this is specifically a priority area highlighted in the strategy Being Westminster 2022-2029.

Following the conversation with Professor Anand, Lord Mann took questions from the audience, before closing remarks from Mark Corbett, Head of Policy and Networks at London Higher, Professor Alex Hughes, the University’s Deputy Vice–Chancellor for Global Engagement and Employability, and Dr Peter Bonfield, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Westminster.

Speaking about the event, Professor Anand said: “What prompted me to do this conversation is not only my personal and intellectual - as well as our institutional - commitment to understanding and challenging all forms of racism, but the imperative to learn, spread the message, collaborate, and work together. The event is part of a series of initiatives that we are undertaking to work with Jewish students, colleagues, and others to challenge antisemitism and celebrate the plurality of Jewish communities.”

Watch the full recording of the event below:

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