The Westminster Centre for Law, Society and Popular Culture had a busy start to the summer.

The June highlight for the Centre was the Soho Poly Summer Festival which ran between 16-24 June. Key programmes included the Disrupt Your Everyday Challenge on the longest day of the year on 21 June, a series of brilliant Badge Cafes including a fantastic takeover event, schools workshops, play readings and gigs including the first performance in the newly licenced space by the critically acclaimed David Lance Callahan. See the carousel of some of the images from the week below.
During a busy Pride Month, a particular highlight for Professor Pippa Catterall was speaking on inclusive office design for Bene and Disegno.
Professor Andrew Smith, Professor Guy Osborn, and Goran Vodicka of Sheffield Hallam University had the article Programming Parks. How Do Organized Events and Activities Affect the Inclusivity of Urban Green Spaces? published in the Journal of Leisure Research. It is freely available in an open access format.
Professor Steve Greenfield delivered a paper entitled The Importance of Being ‘Pulled Up Short’: Can a Transdisciplinary Approach Help Deliver? at the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society Conference in Sofia.
Learn more about the University of Westminster’s Centre for Law, Society and Popular Culture.