The University of Westminster is celebrating Sustainability Month this October to coincide with the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference and to establish sustainability as a key pillar in everything the University does. 

Sustainability Month

The 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) will take place in Glasgow on 31 October to 12 November 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

In the build up to the conference and throughout its duration Westminster will celebrate its commitment towards sustainable development with a packed calendar of activities and events, including workshops, book launches, panel discussions and conferences.  

Sustainability Month will also demonstrate the University’s commitment to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will provide an opportunity to keep developing the integration of those goals to help tackle the climate crisis.

Through Teaching, Research and Knowledge Exchange activities, as well as through campus operations, Westminster aims to positively impact as many people as possible, starting with its local communities and moving into the wider society.

Activities at Westminster start on 4 October with a water fountain map design competition and a winter vegetable growing workshop. There will be a launch of a special issue of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, a panel discussion on the transition and legacy of fossil fuels, a session from students about the UN sustainability goals, the launch of the University’s Green Fund and plenty more.

The events continue into late October and early November with the opening of a climate action exhibition, a book launch, a sustainability conference, a panel discussion on international climate change governance and a walking tour dedicated to the way buildings and urban form creates microclimates.

Talking about Sustainability Month, Dr Stephanie Lasalle, Collaboration Development Manager at Westminster, said: “While we have chosen October as our Sustainability Month, this is only the beginning and our actions towards sustainable development will continue past COP 26. Marking this UN conference is a practical way for us and many other organisations to use the worldwide momentum to raise awareness around global environmental, social, and economic sustainability issues, and to help our community understand the steps they can take with us. This month should see Westminster’s values of being progressive, responsible and compassionate, shine through all activities.”  

Dain Son Robinson, Sustainable Development Goal Coordinator at Westminster, added: “Every single one of us has an important role here at the University in contributing towards our collective commitments towards achieving sustainable development, so join us this October in celebrating our and your passion for Sustainability and get involved #WeAreWestminster.”

For further details and information about the calendar of events please head to the Sustainability Month webpage.

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