Westminster Business School, alongside Westminster’s Alumni Relations Team and the International Recruitment Team, arranged a series of alumni events in Athens, Paris and Milan during March.

People gathered round table in restaurant at WBS alumni event

The event in Athens was co-hosted by Dr Panos Hahamis, Senior Lecturer from Westminster’s School of Applied Management, and Dr Karen Jackson, Assistant Head of the School of Organisations, Economy and Society, which was attended by over 20 alumni. Over dinner and drinks, alumni and staff took the opportunity to socialise and network, catch up with their classmates and build new connections.

Talking about the alumni event in Athens, Dr Karen Jackson said: “The evening was a great success – we even needed extra chairs to accommodate all the guests! Our alumni are keen to see this established as an annual event.”

A second event in Paris was hosted by Dr Katalin Illes, Associate Head of Westminster Business School, and attended by Dr Karen Jackson and Dr Panos Hahamis. Reflecting on the event in Paris, Dr Illes said: “It was a pleasure to talk to our French alumni over dinner in central Paris. These events are an important part of our contribution to support our alumni groups across different regions in the world.”

The final alumni event in Milan was co-hosted by Dr Hahamis, Dr Jackson and Michele Raimondo from the International Recruitment Team, and invited alumni to casual drinks and appetisers at Deus Cafe Isola. For many attendees, this was their first time attending an alumni event, and many said what a great opportunity it was to see old friends and make new acquaintances.

Westminster Business School will continue to strive for international co-operation in Europe and beyond. Westminster Business School is proud of its European links and maintaining close ties with our European alumni remains a key priority.

There are many ways to get involved with the Westminster global alumni network. Alumni can get started by connecting with their local Committee or Alumni Ambassador

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