The Stationers’ Foundation is awarding one student from the Documentary Photography and Photojournalism MA course at the University of Westminster an annual single bursary of £6000.

Man standing in the middle of a flood
Image: Patrick Dowse, 2020 recipient of the bursary

The Stationers’ Foundation is a charity which aims to help young people enter and advance in the Content and Communications industry. They also partner with industries, charities, and individuals to provide financial and practical support for young people seeking to advance in the industry.

The Foundation forms part of the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers, the City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries. Their members work in or supply the paper, print, broadcasting and online media industries.

Their Postgraduate Bursary Scheme offers 15 annual awards for students from different universities to support their entry to and progression in the communication and content industries. The successful students will receive a bursary of £6000 to help them with their fees, as well as receiving mentoring from the Stationers’ Company.

Previous recipients of the bursary scheme have gone on to have successful careers. These include Ryan Prince, now an editorial photographer and artist; Venetia Menzies, now a data and digital journalist at The Times and The Sunday Times; and current recipient, Sarah Hollamby, a previous Fine Art graduate from Central Saint Martin’s who most recently featured her work in Dazed Magazine online.

David Moore, Principal Lecturer for the Documentary Photography and Photojournalism MA course, commented on the bursary: “The Stationers’ Foundation bursary is a great opportunity that allows one student, who may not have the financial opportunity to study with us, to do so. It’s great too that the bursary is available to full-time and part-time applications, giving even more flexibility.”

Find out more about Art, Design and Visual Culture courses at the University of Westminster. 

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