An Image Science PhD alumnus co-funded a Studentship for prospective PhD students, in support of the field of Imaging Science and the Computational Vision Imaging Technology (CVIT) research group, at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Westminster.

Jae taking a photo with his phone
Pictured: Dr Jae Young Park

The latest supported PhD project explores a project titled Image Quality for Deep Learning (DL), the fastest developing area in computer vision. The majority of well-performing, established image quality measures and relevant standards are based on the knowledge that the recipient of images are human observers, whereas research on quantifying image quality for artificial vision systems, which forms the basis of the project, are still in its infancy. 

Former Image Science PhD alumnus, Dr Jae Young Park, is the co-funder of the PhD studentship in the CVIT group, which focuses on research related to image and video formation, processing, analysis, visualisation, interpretation and evaluation.  

This is the second studentship that Jae is co-funding. The first supported recent graduate was Dr Oliver VanZwanenberg, who received his PhD award with commendations on a project titled ‘Camera Spatial Frequency Response Derived from Pictorial Natural Scenes’. Oliver was recently recruited by CVIT to continue developing the project under the direction of his PhD supervisor and CVIT Director Professor Sophie Triantaphillidou.   

Jae, currently a senior Image Quality Engineer at Apple, commented on Oliver’s award, saying: “It was a great journey to observe the growth of Oliver for the past 3-4 years and I am hoping to meet another great candidate in the near future. I truly value the research at Westminster.” 

External supervisor of the project, Dr Robin Jenkin, Principal Imaging Scientist at NVIDIA and Visiting Professor in CVIT, also added: “Thank you, Dr. Jae Young Park, for supporting Oliver’s PhD through your funding. Alumni such as yourself make the University stronger. Imaging science is hugely important to the future of the automotive industry, medical and industrial robotics fields, and I look forward to working with Professor Sophie Triantaphillidou and Dr Alexandra Psarrou to foster more PhD candidates in these fields through CVIT.” 

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