Harrow Council is offering an exclusive opportunity to Westminster students to propose a new design for the Council's logo. The application is closing on 28 September, and the winner will receive £200 prize in money vouchers. It is a great opportunity for Westminster students to showcase their work, while adding the project to their portfolio.


According to the Harrow Council, the logo has been in use for more than 15 years, and as the design is looking dated, its relevance became questionable. A secondary logo has also been designed and used in recent years on digital platforms and assets, so the Council felt that this may send mixed messages to the public. They now aim to consolidate into a single logo that can be used in all internal and external platforms.

Harrow Council is the local authority for the London borough of Harrow in Greater London, a roughly eight square miles area with a population of over 250,000 people. It has a very important role in providing essential services to the residents, businesses and people who live and work in the borough area, while also keeping the high quality of life local people experience. The Council as an organisation is an influential local brand, with a set of meaningful values and a culture and work ethic, making a difference in the lives of the local people.

With its ongoing modernisation programme, Harrow Council is setting a new set of priorities and seeks to improve its services. Part of the process is to ‘refresh’ the logo to reflect the Council’s geographical and historical significance. The Council would like the Civic Coat of Arms to be incorporated in the design, as it is an important symbol of the area’s history. Even though the elements that make up the Coat of Arms, such as the shield, the green bar or the flaming torch are still relevant today, the Council welcomes any reimagination or modernisation of the logo to reflect its contemporary, stylish image.

Emma Dodson, Senior Lecturer from Westminster School of Media and Communication, said: “There is an interesting visual problem to solve in this great 'live' brief. To create a logo that reflects the history and continuity, as well as a dynamic, forward-thinking council, to be simple, scalable, visually impactful, versatile and instantly associable by the diverse community that lives and works in the Harrow area is a fair challenge. The successful student designer will have to exercise some subtle skills and creative thinking but will ultimately develop something to be proud to show to future employers. Thank you, Harrow Council for this opportunity! “

Westminster students can apply through the University’s Career’s and Employability Service under the Opportunities panel.

Learn more about Art, Design and Visual Culture courses at the University of Westminster.

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