Westminster postgraduate researchers’ overall satisfaction hit 83% in the 2023 survey, a further 1% increase from 2021. The enhanced score puts Westminster in 18th spot out of 100 universities ranked across the UK, with its highest ever overall PRES satisfaction rating.

The outcome was underpinned by a robust response rate of 52% at Westminster, compared to a sector average rate of 30%.
While the University did well among several aspects, doctoral students were the most positive about Westminster’s progression, responsibilities and supervision during their research degree studies.
The success in PRES 2023 continues to build upon the University’s strategic commitment to developing a vibrant interdisciplinary research community and culture which is fully inclusive of PhD students, and to providing an exceptional student experience which exceeds national benchmarks for student satisfaction.
Out of the London universities, Westminster was found to be thriving, with the satisfaction rating being 4% higher than the benchmark across the capital. Westminster also scored higher than the London benchmark when it came to how much staff valued student feedback (12% higher) and students’ understanding of progression and assessment (10% higher).
Besides, Westminster was placed in the top 10 of UK universities for doctoral researcher experience of progression and responsibilities, and was ranked third nationally out of 100 universities in the progression section of the survey, with a score of 87%. The sector average stands at 77%, giving Westminster a 10% edge.
Westminster also thrived in the responsibilities category, which assessed the University’s ability to respond to student feedback as well as how well students understood their own and their supervisor’s responsibilities. For this section the University was ranked 10th globally out of 100.
University colleagues were also found to be dedicated to the supervision of their students. The level of supervision satisfaction was ranked 16th out of 100 universities globally, with a score of 90% compared to a sector average of 87%.
The survey also found that 80% of students with a declared disability felt that the University had helped develop their contacts and networks, 17% above the average worldwide.
Doctoral students at Westminster were on average more satisfied with their experience than students from Russell Group universities, with Westminster’s score revealed as 3% higher.
Speaking about PRES 2023, Professor Leigh Wilson, Director of the Graduate School, said: “What delights us the most about these results is that they show that doctoral students at Westminster are having an excellent experience -- that they are part of a vibrant, well supported doctoral research community.”
Professor Andrew Linn, the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Head of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, said: "Our postgraduate researchers are overall even more satisfied with their study experience than they were two years ago. This is testament to the tireless work of the Graduate School Office team, the care and commitment of supervisors and the close and open relationship we are fortunate to enjoy with our community of postgraduates.”
With the guidance of the survey, the University has exciting new plans to keep moving on this positive trajectory. Professor Linn said: “We are opening a new PhD centre for the next academic year, we have reviewed the whole process of admissions and arrivals, introduced new doctoral tutors and support for the doctoral research development programme. We will continue to listen to and communicate with doctoral researchers to ensure that we honour our Being Westminster promise that doctoral researchers are at the heart of our Westminster research community.”
PRES 2023 is published and managed by Advance HE and is the only national survey focused on the experience of doctoral researchers.
Learn more about Research at the University of Westminster.