In recognition of the impact of ongoing conflict and political upheaval around the globe on the livelihoods and opportunities for displaced people, Westminster recently launched its Sanctuary Scholarships, which aim to help displaced students from affected areas enter UK higher education.

Stock photo of a globe being held in some hands.
Credit: Triff/

There are two Sanctuary Scholarships available, one for undergraduate and one for postgraduate students, covering full tuition fees and an additional £6000 a year towards living expenses.

Sanctuary Scholarships are open to applicants who have entered the UK and have been granted indefinite leave to remain or discretionary leave to remain by the UK Home Office. The selection process is based on financial need and the merit of the application.

This scholarship scheme complements the University’s ongoing support for the Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA), which provides urgently needed help to academics in immediate danger, those forced into exile, and many who choose to continue working in their home countries despite serious risks. CARA also supports higher education institutions whose work is at risk or compromised.

Steve Anderson, Student Advice and Funding Manager, said of the new scholarships: “The University of Westminster is aware of the problems facing displaced students from conflict areas and the aims of these scholarships are aligned with the University’s values as a compassionate and responsible organisation. They will provide an opportunity to support students from refugee and asylum backgrounds financially so that they can achieve their academic goals as they settle into a new life in the UK.”

The deadline for both scholarships has now been extended to 19 August 2022.

Find out more about the scholarships and the eligibility criteria.

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