The University of Westminster has launched its Being Westminster Anywhere exhibition today at the Gallery Café on Regent Street Campus, which looks back on our journey as a community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Person wearing surgical mask trying to eat cereal
Credit: Quiancheng Meng

Colleague and student experiences for both work and study have been very different during the COVID-19 pandemic, including working remotely and within many varied environments. To capture these experiences and celebrate new beginnings at Westminster, a group of colleagues have created a new exhibition of photographs in the Gallery Café exhibition space within Regent Street Campus.

Submissions for the exhibition were open to all Westminster students and colleagues, which captured meaningful experiences the Westminster community. The submissions shine a light on the ways we have continued to work, teach, research, learn, inspire, innovate, adapt and connect over the last 18 months.

The University’s values of being progressive, compassionate and responsible have been reflected by the University community during the pandemic, with students seamlessly adjusting to their new study environments and colleagues quickly adapting to working from home to provide the best possible experience for students. 

These experiences are captured within the exhibition through a variety of themes, including new work and study environments, connecting with colleagues, friends and family, volunteering during the pandemic, connecting with nature and more.

Being Westminster Anywhere launched on Monday 20 September and will be available to view in the Gallery Café until Friday 15 October.

Talking about the exhibition, Dain Son Robinson, exhibition organiser and Sustainable Development Goal Coordinator at the University of Westminster, said: “The original idea of the exhibition came when we were reviewing how to add more cultural value to our local community as a part of our contributions to Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. The Gallery Café in our Regent Street Campus was decided to be the perfect location for this since it is based in the heart of London. 

“We thought a photography exhibition would be the perfect way to increase our cultural outreach. Our previous exhibitions in the past have focused on our research highlights and our research communities, however we thought the exhibition post-COVID should to address the pandemic. Therefore, we wanted to showcase our community’s resilience and values from the last 18 months as we return to campus coming out of the pandemic and look to what the future holds in the new academic year post-pandemic. 

“The photographs that were submitted by our community are full of life and diversity, and so well represent what our University is all about. We hope that others visiting the Gallery Café will also feel what the spirit of Being Westminster looks like!”

Find out more about the exhibition on the University website

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