The second round of Aziz Foundation Scholarship applications to study at the University of Westminster are open until Friday 30 June 2023. 

Student looking at scholarship advert on laptop
(Credit: Rawpixel/

The scholarship is offered to exceptional students from British Muslim backgrounds who are looking to study Media and Journalism, Technology, Sustainability and the Environment, Law and Policy (excluding Health Policy) and Creative Content at a postgraduate level. 

Interview dates for the second round of applications are scheduled between May and July 2023, with the scholarship recipients due to be announced in late July 2023.

The partnership between Westminster and the Aziz Foundation began in 2021 and was founded on a number of shared values - from promoting widening participation at the postgraduate level to removing barriers to access and success for BME students.

Tanzilla Azad, Aziz Foundation Scholarship recipient and student of the Legal Practice LLM course at Westminster, said: “After applying for the Aziz Foundation Scholarship, I am able to pour all my efforts into focusing on my degree. I was delighted to hear that I not only received a scholarship, but that the Foundation’s purpose was to help people like me access Higher Education and increase representation in professional jobs.”

Jules Attanayake, Development Officer at Westminster, said: “We are thrilled to open up the second round of Aziz Foundation scholarships this academic year. The scheme plays a vital role in providing equality in education and supporting underrepresented communities.”

For more information about the scholarships, visit the Aziz Foundation’s scholarship application page

To find out how you or your organisation can make a difference at the University of Westminster, please email the University’s Development team

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