The school within the College of Design, Creative and Digital Industries received a score of 86.8% for the learning opportunities on offer for students, with the national benchmark only reaching 83.5%.

Picture of students in conversation amongst the different projects at OPEN 2023
London Festival of Architecture

Throughout the 2022-23 academic year, students from the School of Architecture + Cities have had the opportunity to get hands on experience and learn from industry professionals through numerous events and projects.

Westminster celebrated the London Festival of Architecture (LFA) with a series of events and activities across London in June, many of which were organised by the School. The festival served as a platform for architects, designers and students to engage in exhibitions, installations, talks, tours and workshops. 

The festival began with the Therapeutic Horticultural Pavilion at Cody Dock in East London on 3 June. Colleagues and students from Westminster designed and built a Quintin Hogg Trust-funded Therapeutic Horticulture Centre in collaboration with Cody Dock, OfCA and WebbYates Engineers. This Live Project was initiated by lecturer Maria Kramer and supported by Corinna Dean. The pavilion was designed as a lightweight timber structure with a butterfly roof and demonstrated that plants and humans can happily co-exist in one space. 

Architecture students also joined hands with renowned Finnish architect Sami Rintala and the Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland, to create a one-of-a-kind sauna. The Finnish sauna was exhibited in Victoria Embankment Gardens in Central London between 30 June and 8 July. The design was inspired by the London tube and its architecture combined traditional sauna and Nordic boat-building methods.

The students who helped with the construction are part of Westminster’s Fabrication Lab in the Marylebone Campus. The specialist lab is focused on emerging technologies for architecture and the built environment, while also functioning as an experimental centre for teaching, research and knowledge exchange.

This year, 20 students also got the opportunity to help Shahed Saleem, an Architect and Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture + Cities, design and assemble the inaugural Ramadan Pavilion 2023 at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A). The installation was inspired by the holy month of Ramadan and was displayed in the Exhibition Road Courtyard at the V&A in South Kensington.

Saleem’s design, which features an array of brightly coloured structures, intentionally responds to the first mosque-like structure in Britain, which was built in the 18th century and combines this with features found in a modern 21st century mosque. 

The University has also hosted many events that have inspired students and given them insights into the world of architecture. Together with Simply Rhino Limited and the industry standard digital design and fabrication software Rhino3D, the School of Architecture + Cities co-hosted the 8th Shape to Fabrication Conference at Marylebone Campus. The itinerary was packed with presentations, discussions and workshops from experts in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) and Design, all working at the cutting edge of their field. Students studying relevant courses at Westminster were able to attend, gaining valuable insights and inspiration from experts who are paving the way in this sector. 

Courses in the School include Architectural Technology BSc Honours, Architecture and Environmental Design BSc Honours, Architecture BA Honours, Interior Architecture BA Honours

Tabatha Mills, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader of Architectural Technology BSc Honours, said: “We're really pleased that the NSS has picked up on the learning opportunities available to students, as we strive to enrich the student experience. Opportunities such as exciting real-world project briefs tackling the climate emergency have included working with plastic recycling initiatives in Brazil and local food waste reduction schemes.  Our students also undertake work experience in their final year of the course and we have established superb links with practice and industry to offer students the opportunity for meaningful engagement with employers, leading to internship and graduate positions.”

Speaking about the course Architectural Technology BSc Honours, she added: “Architectural Technology students are part of a school-wide Co Production workshop each year, working in multi-disciplinary teams alongside medical students from Imperial College to interpret and design spaces for mental health conditions such as dementia and neuro rehabilitation. We have two modules dedicated to fabrication on the course, where students design and construct scaled models for testing passive design strategies and make use of the extensive Fabrication Laboratory facilities on campus; something which our accrediting body CIAT were particularly impressed with at our recent successful accreditation review.

“I would encourage anyone interested in studying Architecture who hasn't considered Architectural Technology to contact us through the Clearing process, to learn more about this fantastic course and for a conversation with the Course Leader.”

Explore and apply for Westminster’s courses in Clearing.



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