Professor Steven Barnett, Professor of Communication at the University of Westminster, has contributed to a POSTnote report by UK Parliament that examines the trends and patterns in the public’s trust in news providers and how it can be improved.


Through literature reviews and interviews with a range of stakeholders, the POSTnote explores how trust in media has changed throughout the years and the key factors that have influenced public opinion.

Factors associated with a change in trust include differences between social groups, diversity and representation, political events, trust in politics, funding for news and perceptions of impartiality. Another key factor is the increased use in social media. The report highlights that those who consume news through social media tend to be more polarised and have less trust in democratic institutes than those who get their news from broadcast sources. It also describes the low level of trust in the press, especially tabloid newspapers and their online sites.

The parliamentary report sets out a list of future policy considerations that could improve trust in news providers. These include the implementation of recommendations from the Leveson Inquiry and the improvement of consistency in journalistic standards across news sources and in the implementation of statutory regulation. 

About the report Professor Barnett said: “There are widespread and legitimate fears about the dangers of disinformation and its threat to democracy. This is a comprehensive document on the current state of trust in UK media, which should inform policy making in the public interest.”

Professor Barnett’s work on the report directly contributes to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Since 2019, the University of Westminster has used the SDGs holistically to frame strategic decisions to help students and colleagues fulfil their potential and contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and healthier society.

Read the full report on the UK Parliament website.

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