Professor Peter White, Emeritus Professor of Public Transport Systems, was interviewed about the government’s £3bn bus revolution to improve services, which was played on BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 5 Live.

Three London buses driving on the road
Chaz Bharj/

In the interview, Professor White welcomed the government's positive approach to buses in the document they published. He also discussed the investment, and said: “So the word investment is a little bit odd in this context. Apart from the purchase of new vehicles and some bus priority measures, it’s mainly going to be a question of providing operating support through the current grant system and with changes that are proposed. It wasn’t entirely clear to me what total period that £3bn covers.”

The main scope for higher frequency stimulating extra patronage is where “basically people turn up and go without looking at a timetable if the bus runs at least every 10 minutes, so that’s going to be a feature of urban areas. But we can now greatly improve the real-time information people get when they use less frequent services, so they can plan their journey and minimise the amount of time they actually spend waiting at the roadside by the bus stop.”

Listen to the full show on BBC Sounds.

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