Professor Lindsay Bremner has been awarded a one-year, €150,000-worth European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grant for ‘Climate Cartographics,’ a project to test the societal and commercial potential of the cartographic techniques developed during the Monsoon Assemblages project.  

Cartographic image of the climate
Map of Chennai, November 2015. Drawn by John Cook

Professor Bremner and two research fellows will work with the University’s Active Travel Academy, Southwark Borough Council, Trees for Cities and the sub-sea cable company Pelagian to develop pilot cartographic products using visual sense-making and visual story-telling techniques. On the basis of these pilots and further market research, a business case for offering the services more widely to different sectors will be developed.  

Climate Cartographics was one of 55 out of 96 applications awarded Proof of Concept Grants by the ERC in this round.

On winning the award, Lindsay Bremner said: “I am extremely excited to have won this grant as writing the application took me way outside my comfort zone. I would like to thank Danielle Knight from the University’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Office and Philip Holden from the Westminster Business School for their assistance and I am looking forward to working with them to realise the potential of the project.”  

Monsoon Assemblages, which was the forerunner to the Climate Cartographics project, was an ERC-funded research project that ran between 2016-2021. It examined the confluence of changing monsoon climates and globalisation in four cities in south and south-east Asia including Chennai, Delhi, Dhaka and Yangon, using cartographic and ethnographic research methods. It produced a number of publications and exhibitions, including Monsoon as Method: Assembling Monsoonal Multiplicities (Barcelona, Actar, 2022) and the online exhibition Monsoonal Multiplicities

Learn more about Monsoon Assemblages.

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