Professor Andrew Groves, Professor of Fashion Design, was interviewed by The Guardian about the appointment of Chanel’s new chief executive which is being praised as a landmark for diversity within the industry.


In the interview, Professor Groves gave his thoughts on the appointment, and said: “Given Leena Nair’s track record, I am hopeful that Chanel is entering a period of profound change…If Chanel, a privately owned company in a conglomerate world, is starting to alter its worldview, then there is a chance that we are witnessing a fundamental shift within the fashion industry.” 

He added: “After 37 years of Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel had become a fossilised relic, still adhering to a Eurocentric, colonialist approach to fashion…His death appears to have liberated the company, and this appointment indicates that they are looking beyond fashion, beyond Paris, and beyond being gatekeepers to become a more inclusive company.”

Read the full article on The Guardian’s website.

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