Victor Luengo, who graduated from the MA Photography course in 2005, had his documentary film selected for the official competition at the Raindance Film Festival 2020.

A big boat transporting food docking in the sea in front of some mountains

 The documentary film, The Price of Progress, explores the different arguments surrounding the controversial food industry, particularly the future of agriculture in the European Union. It looks at elements such as the fears, political pressures, and arguments of key players like corporate lobbies, politicians, renowned scientists and investigative journalists related to the global food industry. 

The film addresses contemporary topics and struggles in the headquarters of the European Community. The film is revealed as a thriller, with the tempo starting slowly and quietly, and then gradually increasing and intensifying as it goes on. Throughout the film, alongside the visuals, the interview audio recordings are played.  

The Raindance Film Festival is the biggest independent film festival in the UK, attracting 16,000 visitors each year, including 500 industry professionals. It is officially recognised by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences USA, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and the British Independent Film Awards. This year will be the 28th Raindance Film Festival, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, it will be taking place online from 28 October to 7 November.

Luengo has worked internationally as a journalist and filmmaker in South America, Cambodia, Madagascar and Spain. Some of the agencies he has been editor for include Magnum Spain, Seven and AFP. Currently, he works full time in the advertising industry in Spain, working for various clients and markets.

Talking about being selected for the competition, Luengo said: “Wow, it's very difficult to tell you the big ‘salad’ of emotions that this project has given to me. Regarding the Raindance, it's really a precious message for me after the last four years of working very hard full time to grow this project. There is happiness, of course, but also a huge impulse and responsibility to go forward. 

“Besides, I first met London energy and the Uni when I studied the MA of Photography with Andy Goldin and David Bate. I was a baby then in terms of visual knowledge... that's why it makes me even happier that the biggest recognition that I have, for the moment, is this selection at the heart of London.” 

Learn about Art, Design and Visual courses offered at the University of Westminster.  

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