The 2021 edition of Network, the annual magazine for alumni and supporters of the University, is now available.

Screenshot of front page of Network Magazine 2021

Network magazine highlights news from across the Westminster community, and spotlights the greatest achievements of some of Westminster’s alumni. 

This year’s edition leads with an interview with alumnus Dr Mustapha Bittaye who graduated from the Biomedical Sciences BSc Honours course in 2012 and who was one of the core scientists to work on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. Dr Bittaye discussed his journey from growing up in The Gambia to creating a life-saving vaccine which is not just for the developed world. 

This issue also celebrates the University’s Black History Year series, and explores Westminster’s efforts to become an actively anti-racist institution. 

Readers can admire a collection from the Westminster Menswear Archive’s ‘Undercover’ exhibition, that explores how face coverings have evolved from a functional object to an everyday accessory worn by millions. 

Network also speaks with astrobiologist Professor Lewis Dartnell, to get his take on the likelihood of finding extraterrestrial life in our solar system, and the reality of humans living on Mars one day. 

The 2021 edition of Network marks the 30th anniversary of the magazine, which has been shared globally with all Westminster alumni since 1991. Network is produced annually by the University’s Alumni Relations Office.

The University of Westminster has over 180,000 alumni from 180 countries worldwide and Network magazine is just one of the many benefits made available to Westminster graduates. From discounts on further study, to professional development and networking opportunities such as through the exclusive online platform WestminsterConnect, the University provides an array of exclusive benefits for alumni after graduation and encourage them to keep in touch.

Talking about the new edition, Laura Hughes, Head of Alumni Relations at Westminster, said: “We are proud to share the stories and achievements of many of our alumni in this edition of Network. Mustapha’s story, and those of our Alumni Award winners, are just a handful of examples which illustrate how our alumni can have a huge impact both locally and globally. Thank you to all of our alumni, donors and partners who contributed to this edition and who have supported our students over the past year.”

Read Network magazine 2021 on the Issuu website.

To find out more about alumni publications and benefits, or to get in touch with the Alumni Team, email [email protected]

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