On 17 May, students of the Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Enterprise Development (EIED) MSc course organised and invited guests from different sectors and experiences to a World Café-style, entrepreneurial event.

People sitting around tables listening to a speaker

The event took place at one of London’s most iconic hotels, The Landmark Hotel, and was organised by course officers and volunteers, with around 40 students from MSc EIED and other Entrepreneurial courses at Westminster Business School in attendance. The seven-hour marathon of entrepreneurial thought consisted of training sessions, Q&As, presentations and networking opportunities. 

Commencing the event, communications and advertising expert Phil Danter talked about how to effectively present during a presentation, followed by a training session about structure and design. An angel investor, Bob Offen, continued on the topic of presenting in the context of business pitches with a Q&A session. The questions asked were both from the perspectives of an angel investor, such as what they look for and how they diversify, and of a business owner, how to present and what information to provide to a potential investor. 

The final key speaker was Birgit Fischer, who talked about her company and female entrepreneurship, followed by a Q&A. The attendees were able to learn about the struggles that come with opening the first business, as well as about the context of gender-related entrepreneurship.

After the key speakers, students were given the chance to network with other invited entrepreneurs, sharing their business ideas and asking about potential strategies or obstacles. 

An attendee of the event said: “It was amazing to see all participants consume so much practical knowledge from experienced and successful people. The satisfaction from the event was visibly on a high level – students felt motivated to try, develop their ideas, and even fail – in order to learn and eventually become fulfilled individuals.” 

Find out more about Business and Management courses at the University of Westminster. 

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