Dr Rachel Aldred, Reader in Transport Planning and Management MSc, was interviewed in a short film, developed by the Environmental Transport Association, titled ‘Stop Killing Our Children’.

The film was developed by the Environmental Transport Association (ETA) and is narrated by BBC News World Affairs Editor John Simpson.
The 40-minute film examines how road safety is an issue for all road users, whatever age and mode of travel. It aims to tackle road danger at its source and highlights the need to reduce the number of cars on the road.
The film also discusses the Stop de Kindermoord (stop the child murder) movement, which was set up in the Netherlands in the 1970’s to reduce the number of child road casualties. The group, whose first president was interviewed in the film, held bicycle demonstrations, occupied collision blackspots and organised special days where streets would be closed to allow children to play safely.
Dr Aldred, whose research involves examining cycling injury risk in London, said in the film: “We need to look at why we’ve created a society where it’s not seen as safe for children to play in their own streets because of motor vehicles. We need to change that lens and look at the source of danger – rather than say what the victim did wrong.”
The Environmental Transport Association is a carbon-neutral provider of vehicle breakdown, bicycle and travel insurance for those who are environmentally concerned. The ETA aims to raise awareness of the impact of transport on the environment and help to make positive changes in the travel habits of individuals and organisations.
Dr Aldred said about the film: “This is an important film that analyses how cars are often prioritised over people on our streets – at the expense of the most vulnerable, like children and older people. It shows there are reasons for optimism, though.
“In the 1970’s the Netherlands had the same problem, but campaigners there managed to turn the tide and start creating city streets that keep children safe rather than maximising motor traffic throughput.”