Dr Nitasha Kaul was invited as a guest to share her views on news and current affairs stories on the two hour BBC World Weekend programme on 11 October 2020.

She spoke on a variety of topics relating to global politics, gender and ecology -- climate change and the rainforest, her latest book on Kashmir, the Hathras Dalit rape and murder case in India, growing Sinophobic attitudes globally, US Supreme Court nomination of Amy Barnett, Trump's attitude to Covid and public health, intersectionality in US elections, and acts of kindness and solidarity in Corona lockdown.
The programme is available on the BBC World website (in English). You can also listen to her specific viewpoints here.
Dr Kaul was also interviewed on 13 October on BBC news in Hindi for her views on the US offer to help India vis-a-vis China in the context of the border tensions.
Dr Nitasha Kaul's views were featured in four separate interview segments in the Al Jazeera TV Program Listening Post on Kashmir, aired on 17 October 2020.