Dr Marco Longobardo, Senior Lecturer in International Law, has been announced as the winner of the Paul Reuter Prize 2021 for his monograph ‘The Use of Armed Force in Occupied Territory’, which was published by Cambridge University Press in 2018.

The prize is awarded every three years by the International Committee of the Red Cross’ (ICRC) Paul Reuter Fund, to recognise an outstanding contribution to the field of International Humanitarian Law. Only fifteen people have received the Prize so far. This is the second time a legal scholar from Westminster has won this prize - Ilias Bantekas, then a lecturer at Westminster, also won it in 2000.
Dr Longobardo was presented with the award at a ceremony on 15 February 2022, which was moderated by Dr Cordula Droege from the Legal Division of the ICRC. Keynote speakers at the event included Professor Maya Hertig Randall from the University of Geneva and Bruno Demeyère from the International Review of the Red Cross and Paul Reuter Commission.
Speaking about being chosen for the award, Dr Longobardo said: “I am still incredulous! This is an amazing recognition, and I am honoured to see my name next to those of the inspiring scholars who received the Prize in the past.”
Professor Luke Mason, Head of Westminster Law School, said: "This is a wonderful achievement for Marco and for Westminster Law School. It shows how the work we do in the School is changing the world, and is recognised across the globe for being world-leading."
The Paul Reuter Fund was created in 1983 thanks to a donation made to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by the late Paul Reuter, Honorary Professor at the University of Paris and member of the Institut de droit international. One of the Fund's purposes is to finance the Paul Reuter Prize.
Find out more about the Paul Reuter Prize on the International Committee of the Red Cross’ website.