Dr Manal Mohammed, Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology, was featured in an article by Which? Travel about how to travel safely and protect your health.

Headshot of Dr Manal Mohammed wearing face mask

In the article, Which? spoke to Dr Mohammed about the best practices to ensure you are looking after your health when travelling.

The article reads: “Dr Manal Mohammed warns that security trays are a hotbed of germs, given that they pass through so many hands in a day. Once you have gone through security, make sure you do the now-familiar routine of applying hand sanitiser or washing your hands thoroughly. But don’t worry too much about disinfecting the tray itself or the items that have touched it.”

Talking about safety on the plane, Dr Mohammed also told Which?: “All modern aircraft are equipped with excellent ventilation thanks to HEPA filters that will filter 99.9% of airborne viruses and bacteria. With this in mind, it is worth opening your overhead vent…Once you sit down, give your tray table a wipe down to reduce your exposure to other germs, even if it is not really a risk for COVID.”

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