Dr Kalpana Surendranath, Senior Lecturer and Leader of the Genome Engineering Lab at the University of Westminster, has been admitted as the Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), for achieving distinction in the fields of biological research, teaching and application of biology.

Portrait of Dr Kalpana Surendranath

Dr Surendranath created the Genome Engineering Laboratory in 2017 and focuses on innovative, high-quality research. As a Senior Lecturer, she applies research-informed approaches to engage students as co-creators in multiple workflows of knowledge construction. Supported by the Quintin Hogg Trust, she co-launched a student innovation community called ‘Gene Editors of the Future’, which contributed to the University’s efforts to reach the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goals, as evidenced in the associated report of the University.

Dr Surendranath collaborates with leaders in the field of DNA damage response and molecular basis of human diseases. Between 2017-2022, she has published research findings in high impact factor peer-reviewed journals cited several times by the scientific community. 

In alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainability Goal to ensure healthy lives for all at all ages, the Genome Engineering Laboratory is involved in the investigation of candidate therapeutic targets in childhood bone, breast and colorectal cancer models. Efforts are underway to create so called Cas-based diagnostic platforms for detection of infectious and non-infectious diseases.

She was the recipient of the University of Westminster Vice-Chancellor’s WestminSTAR Award in 2019 and the Women of Westminster Award under the Innovation category in 2020.

Thanking the Royal Society of Biology for the fellowship, Dr Surendranath said: “Receiving this great recognition for my contributions is inspiring and energising. I am grateful to the University for encouraging scientific innovations and supporting my initiatives to achieve excellence in research-informed teaching.”

Learn more about Biological and Biomedical Sciences courses at the University of Westminster.

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