Dr Gustavo Espinoza Ramos, Lecturer in Management and Marketing, has written an article for Wonkhe about how his experience with clowning helped him improve his teaching skills.

Profile picture of Dr Gustavo Espinosa Ramos.

In the article, Dr Espinoza Ramos recounts his own experience attending clowning workshops in Peru and how they changed the way he sees human relationships and teaching.

Speaking about how the way in which a clown pays attention to their audience and shows empathy can be applied to teaching, Dr Espinoza Ramos said: “A lecturer should notice when students are disengaged and choosing to do other things, such as using their mobile phones or chatting with their peers. As a lecturer, I was afraid to make some changes in the learning activities due to the “consistency” in class and the limited time to do it.

“Lecturers should pay more attention to students’ reaction and not be afraid to change when the activities are not working. For example, if students do not engage in the discussion in a plenary, then we could change it to small group discussions or a group presentation.”

Read the full article on Wonkhe’s website.

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