Dr Ayaz Safi, Lecturer in the School of Life Sciences, was interviewed by Shamshad TV Afghanistan to discuss how health, nutrition, exercise, and a healthy mind can contribute to improved mental and physical health.

Screenshot of Ayaz Safi being interviewed on Shamshad TV Afghanistan

In the interview, he said: “Eating healthy, such as a range of fruits and vegetables every day, can help improve overall mental and physical health. Engaging in regular physical activity or exercise is also vital for health and one should aim for a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes every day.”

He added: “Technological advancements, workload and busy life have significantly contributed to a sedentary lifestyle, and sitting for prolonged periods of time can increase the risk of diabetes, obesity and coronary heart diseases.”

Talking about research, he said: “Research has shown that eating healthy and engaging in regular exercise can help reduce anxiety and depression. However, many people do not speak up or seek help and thus suffer in silence because of stigma. It is important that we educate people that it is okay not to feel okay, and I encourage everyone to speak up and seek help and ensure to speak to someone trustworthy such as family, friends or experts.”

Listen to the full interview.

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