Doug Specht, Senior Lecturer and Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Media and Communication, has written an article for Wonkhe about how we should treat our colleagues and make small changes to teaching in order to support student and staff wellbeing.

Doug Specht

The article highlights the concept of ‘compassionate pedagogy’ and argues that whilst the focus of the concept over the last few years has been about students, it is important that it also encompasses provision for staff so that they can support each other through times of stress and create supportive learning environments for students.

Speaking about how to shift relationships with colleagues, Doug wrote: “We must recognise that we are all coping differently. We are adept at doing this with our students, by recognising their own journeys and the impact of their own backgrounds. This is less often extrapolated to working with colleagues, with whom we are more likely to share our own concerns, opinions, and thoughts on the pandemic. Differences in coping strategies can lead to frustration."

On the benefits of student-centered learning for both students and colleagues, Doug adds: “While it may take time to plan and develop true student-centered classes, we should consider how we might set-aside at least 20 minutes of each session for activities that do not require additional input. This gives us a period to breathe and reflect during a session, whilst allowing time to ensure everyone is actively learning.”

Read the full article on the Wonkhe website.

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