The Centre for Law, Society and Popular Culture is pleased to share its March news.

On 21 March, a group of undergraduate Law LLB, Sports, and Entertainment Law LLM students went on a field trip to Lords’ Cricket Ground where they heard an explanation of the Ashes, next to the Ashes urn itself, to non-cricket initiates was a highlight of the trip.
Dr Andrew Smith and Professor Guy Osborn participated in the ‘Festivals, public space and inclusion in the post (?) pandemic city’ conference which was due to be hosted in Dublin and be the culmination of the FESTSPACE project, but was held online and the project has now been extended. Dr Smith presented our Finsbury Park project as Principal Investigator (PI) of our Finsbury Park team and Professor Osborn chaired the session on ‘Festivals, Public Spaces and Inclusivity’.
On 16 March, the documentary film commissioned as part of the HERA FESTSPACE project entitled ‘Festivity and Inclusivity: Latino Life in the Park’ was screened at the Picture House Finsbury Park, a stone’s throw from where the research took place. Find out more on Twitter, or view the film on YouTube.
It’s been a very busy month at the Soho Poly. The Soho Poly’s championing of women in theatre was highlighted as part of International Women’s Day. In addition, a series of events took place to mark the 50th anniversary of the space, in tandem with continued fundraising efforts. These included an open house event at the space for local residents and interested parties, a presentation to the Fitzrovia Partnership Members Group at Gaucho on nearby Charlotte Street, and a fantastic event with performances from alumni Jon Ronson and Emmy the Great.