Edmund Gall, who has just completed his Business Intelligence and Analytics MSc course, gave a presentation based on part of his project entitled ‘A Conceptual Framework to Predict Mental Health Patients’ Zoning Classification’ at the 19th International Conference on Informatics, Management, and Technology in Healthcare (ICIMTH 2021).

Edmund Gall presenting at ICIMTH conference 2021

Edmund’s work seeks to build an application for recommending or predicting an NHS mental health patient’s current operational risk category, which in turn determines the type of care package they are assigned, based on their historical health and care data. It is founded on an idea proposed by Dr Sanjib Raj Pandey, Visiting Researcher at the University of Westminster, and is co-authored by Alan Smith and Dr. Ajay Bhatnagar from Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and Professor Thierry Chaussalet, Course Leader for the Business Intelligence & Analytics Msc at Westminster, which will be renamed as Data Science and Analytics MSc from the 2022/23 academic year. The full paper will be published by IOS Press in the conference proceedings, which are due to appear in December 2021. 

Speaking about the event, Ed said: “This was my first experience of collaborating on a major research project and presenting at a prestigious international conference, alongside others applying cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to important healthcare issues. I’m grateful for the opportunity to use my new AI skills on a project with potential benefits for the delivery of mental health primary care services by our NHS. 

“That a son of Trinidad & Tobago could work with others originally from Nepal, Scotland, India, and France in the UK and present in Greece –the birthplace of scientific research in medicine– while reading for his MSc degree, is testimony to the MSc Business Intelligence and Analytics and the University of Westminster’s long legacy of helping students from any background realise their full potential.”

Professor Chaussalet, who also leads the Health and Social Care Modelling Group and Health Innovation Ecosystem at Westminster, added: “Thanks to Ed’s dedicated and meticulous hard work. It is wonderful to see again this year one of our MSc Business Intelligence and Analytics students present and publish part of their project’s research at an international conference. This is the first publication in a series planned to come of a partnership set up with Tom Bartlett, Head of Performance and Information at Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust, and coordinated by Ed.”

ICMTH, which is typically hosted in Greece in July each year, was postponed to November 2021 as an e-Conference to safeguard participants from travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the reviewing process and quality of the papers were kept to the same standard as before.

Read the full presentation on LinkedIn.

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