Come and meet us to find out about our doctoral scholarships, engagement with cultural partners and varied training and networking opportunities.

Academic staff from all technē universities will be available to discuss your research proposal. We can’t guarantee an expert in your subject, but the technē representatives will be experienced in guiding doctoral applications. Administrators will also be on hand to advise on the application process.
There will be no presentations but we will try to match you up with someone from your preferred technē University or your subject area. Please register for one of the 3 sessions at 5.30pm, 6.15pm and 7pm. There will be refreshments available throughout the evening.
If you have any questions or are unable to attend and would like information on technē, please email [email protected]. We look forward to meeting you.
When registering your ticket information, please complete your name, the technē University you are interested in and subject area.
About techne
Technē brings together nine universities in London and the South-East to provide AHRC studentships and training for the contemporary postgraduate researcher in a fully-formed programme for academic, professional and early career development.
University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6UW