The Third World in Theory reading group (TWT) resumes its engagement with theoretical orientations towards the Third World within academia.

For the 2019-20 academic year, TWT will be discussing the topic ‘Decolonising – Then and Now’.
The Third World in Theory reading group is open to all. The group meets once every three weeks on Thursdays from 6pm – 8:30pm.
For more information, see the Law, Development and Conflict research group's website or join the Third World in Theory Reading Group.
To be confirmed.
Recommended reading
- Thomas Sankara (1988). Thomas Sankara speaks : the Burkina Faso revolution 1983-87, Pathfinder Press.

Shaliza Sharma
Shailza is a qualified lawyer from India. She completed her masters in International Politics from SOAS and is currently enrolled for her PhD at University of Exeter.