Routines, rhythms and affective intimacy in everyday life: The Centre for Social Justice Research symposium

Date 11 June 2024
Time 10am - 4:30pm
Location Cavendish Campus
westminster social justice law fair November 2023; a large group of seated students listen to a presentation


University of Westminster, New Cavendish Campus, 115 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6UW


10.30am: Arrivals and Tea and Coffee

11.00-11.25: Welcome and Introduction (Emily Falconer and Tom Thurnell-Read)

11.30-13.00: Panel 1: Rhythms and Temporalities (Chair: Emily Falconer)

  • 11.30-11.45: Accomplishing children’s sleep: affective negotiations of family routines in Kyoto’s night-time nurseries (Sieun Lee)
  • 11.45-12.00: “Time’s a wastin’”: Examining dating rhythms on dating apps before, during and after COVID-19 (Neta Yodovich, Brian Heaphy, Jaime Garcia-Iglesias)
  • 12.00-12.15: The maternal body and research rhythms: exploring embodied experience of pregnancy in the field (Erin Sanders McDonagh)
  • 12.15-12.30: Underperformativity: Emotional Impotentiality as Self Care (Victoria Jones)
  • 12.30-13.00: Panel Q&A

13.00-13.45: Lunch

13.45-14.30: Keynote: 'Mundane materialities of nothing: the rhythms, routines and affinities of invisible, hidden and transient things' (Helen Holmes)

14.30-14.45: Break

14.45- 16.15: Panel 2 and Panel 3

Panel 2: Material Culture (Chair: Emily Falconer TBC)

  • 14.45-15.00: Capturing Domestic Intimacies: the Smart Home as Living Archive (Nicola Horsley, Esther Dermott, Natasha Carver)
  • 15.00-15.15: Lovely Little Things: Materiality and Intimate Practices in the Consumption of Vintage Costume Jewelry in Modern China (Jingrui Hu)
  • 15.15-15.30: Dwelling in dreams and drawing out reflections: creative ethnography as affective method in dress research (Imogen Carter de Jong)
  • 15.30-15.45: Hidden Culture: Power, Identity and Affect in Leicester Food Practices (Laura Taggart)
  • 15.45-16.15: Panel Q&A

Panel 3: Domestic Intimacies and everyday patterns (Chair: Tom Thurnell-Read TBC)

  • 14.45-15.00: Insidious Intimacies: Everyday Gendered Relationships, Routines and Power in the Global South (Shannon Kuriakose Philip)
  • 15.00-15.15: Creating Family Intimacy in the Everyday After Domestic Abuse (Brenda Herbert)
  • 15.15-15.30: Mother’s Ruin? The Relational Alcohol Consumption Practices and Experiences of Mothers and their Children (Sam Wilkinson)
  • 15.30- 15.45: The impact of an acquired brain injury on the experiences of everyday life, routines, emotions and relationships (Laura Boubert)
  • 15.45- 16.15: Panel Q&A

16.30: Close

17.15: Symposium Dinner in Central London (Self-funded)