Politics of Impunity: Torture, The Armed Forces and the Failure of Transitional Justice in Brazil, Edinburgh University Press Books.

About this event
We are delighted to announce a series of events this semester, which showcase new research and publications in a variety of disciplines relating to democratisation, bordering practices, justice, anticolonial and antiracist pedagogies and feminist organising.
This event will occur in person in Room UG04 at 309 Regent St., London W1B 2HW, and we especially encourage masters and year three students to attend.
Contact us
For more information about this event, please get in touch with the organisers Catherine Charrett and Francesca Esposito.
About the speaker

Dr Henrique Tavares Furtado
Dr Henrique Tavares Furtado is a Senior Lecturer in politics and international relations at the University of the West of England (UWE). His work is influenced by Post-Saussurean thought in political philosophy and international political thought, drawing insights from psychoanalysis and decoloniality in order to radically reconceptualise the relationship between social suffering, political violence and accountability in international relations.