Perceptions and meta-perceptions in the context of intergroup contact

Date 21 February 2024
Time 1 - 2pm
Location Cavendish Campus

Dr Sofia Stathi from the School of Human Sciences at University of Greenwich offers a talk investigating how people’s thoughts and concerns regarding the ingroup and the outgroup relate to intergroup contact.


Round the Green Table in Psychology, 6th floor of the Copland building, New Cavendish Street Campus

Open to all Social Sciences staff and students.


In the existing intergroup relations literature, there is substantial focus on how to improve people’s attitudes toward outgroups via intergroup contact. Most relevant research has considered contact as the starting point of subsequent relations, with less emphasis on understanding the factors that promote or inhibit engagement in intergroup contact. This talk outlines a programme of research on how people’s (meta-)perceptions predict (or are associated with) contact experiences. Specifically integrating pluralistic ignorance and meta-perception premises and apply them to intergroup relations and dehumanization research.