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Litigating Obligations "Erga Omnes" and "Erga Omnes Partes" before the ICJ: The Gambia v. Myanmar and Beyond

Date 18 February 2020
Time 5:30 - 7:30pm
Cost Free
University of Westminster

About this event

Taking into account past case-law and the pending The Gambia v. Myanmar case, the event will analyse the role of public interest litigation in international law, with particular reference to issues of standing before the International Court of Justice.



  • Professor Eyal Benvenisti, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Maria Irene Papa, University of Rome 'Sapienza'
  • Professor Ulf Linderfalk, University of Lund


Dr Marco Longobardo, University of Westminster


University of Westminster, 4-12 Little Titchfield Street, Room 2.05A, London W1W 7BY