Celebrating research at Westminster Law School. Performances, panel discussions, installations, films and a book display.

Regent Street Cinema, 307 Regent Street, London W1B 2HW
10.30am: Coffee and welcome
11am-12pm: Westminster Law and Technology Hub
- Panel discussion
- Form-Face-Breath
- A Thousand Breaths: The Breathing Machine
12.15–1pm: Lunch (ticketed)
1–2pm: International Law at Westminster (ILAW)
- International Law
- The Year in Review (Panel Discussion)
2.15–4pm: The Centre for Law, Society and Popular Culture
- Film screening and discussion: Festivity and Inclusivity: Latino Life in the Park
- A Polyphonic Spree: Disrupt Your Day with a Christmas Ghost Gig
4.40–6pm: Law and Theory Lab
- A Mystical Experience of Law
- Film screening and discussion: Spatial Justice in Post-Apartheid South Africa
- Law and the Senses
- A Feminist Chorus
- A Thousand Breaths: The Breathing Machine