Short presentations of research and public engagement activities representing the dynamic research of migration at University of Westminster

About this event
Speakers associated with HOMELandS (Hub on Migration, Exile, Languages and Spaces) share their cutting-edge research and art practice with the audiences and have a conversation on how migration communities make place and construct multicultural identities in global London.
Chair: Cangbai Wang
- 12.30–1.30pm – Presentations
- Petros Karatsareas – "A new kind of pitta bread in town: food, language, and identity among Greek-speaking migrants in post-2010 London"
- Celia Jenkins and Umit Cetin – "Alevi Kurds in the UK: Paving the way towards recognition of a new ethno-religious identity"
- Dima Karout – "Art and migration"
- Xiao Ma – "London’s Chinatown: the making of a multicultural space in a global city"
- 1.30–2pm – Q&A and General discussion
- Closing remarks by Terry Lamb