Good COP / Bad COP

Date 19 January 2022
Time 4 - 6pm
Cost Free

We invite you to a panel discussion to reflect on the successes and failures of the COP26 November meeting in Glasgow and its implications for the future of the planet.

A building with a COP 26 sign
Image courtesy of Tom Cohen

About the event

Participants will reflect on their experiences in Glasgow, give their assessment of the outcomes of the meeting and discuss potential avenues of urban and environmental research and action.

This event is organised by the Sustainable Cities and the Urban Environment Research Community and the Architecture and Cities Climate Action Taskforce.

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  • Melanie McGlone (Westminster Law School)
  • Radha D'Souza (Westminster Law School)
  • Martin Matthews (Westminster Business School)
  • Tom Cohen (Active Travel Academy)
  • Jamie Williams (former MArch student, School of Architecture and Cities)


  • Andrew Smith (SCUE)
  • Lindsay Bremner (ArCCAT)