Fight, Flight, Family and Food (and perhaps a few more F-words)

Date 17 October 2024
Time 5 - 6pm
Location Cavendish Campus

Talk from Dr Andrea Oskis, Psychology, Middlesex University

This talk will be whistle-stop tour of Dr Oskis' favourite findings, starting with the physiological (fight, flight and cortisol responses) before gradually moving to the psychological (family, friends and those we ‘attach’ to). Attachment theory is the foundation (another F-word) not only for her research, but also for her psychotherapy practice, as well as her recent foray into food writing, which has been a really fun and fulfilling (more F-words) way of applying everything she has learned. 

Open to all Social Sciences staff and students.


Round the Green Table in Psychology, 6th Floor – Copland Building, Cavendish Campus