CSJR Seminar: Fatness, Gender and Sexuality

Date 31 March 2025
Time 5 - 6:30pm
Cost Free

Join the CSJR for an evening of Fat Studies talks exploring the queer relationships between fatness, gender and sexuality.

This event will take place in person at the Wells Street Forum and online. A Zoom link will be sent to all those who register to attend online on the day of the event.

For more information and to register please go to TicketTailor.


Sizing up desirable bodies – examining the fat-bodied boundaries of gender and sexuality

Speaker: Sunniva Árja Tobiasen, University of Bergen, CSJR Visiting Scholar

Introducing my ongoing PhD-project on gender-, sexuality- and bodynorms, with a particular focus on fatness. Through the context of the concept compulsory sexuality, I'll reflect on how and why fat people are not necessarily met with the same normative expectations when it comes to gender and sexuality. How do fatness, gender and sexuality work together – or against each other, when it comes to identity and how fat people experience, understand and navigate gender and sexuality?

From the ‘blank canvas’ to ‘going full Divine’ – navigating non-binary fat

Speaker: Francis Ray White, University of Westminster

Fat is both an enabler and an enemy of binary gender. So-called ‘male’ and ‘female’ distributions of body fat shape gender’s legibility and legitimacy as binary, while at the same time fat produces bodies that subvert norms of masculinity and femininity and blur the binary distinction between them. Given this queer relationship between fat and gender, this paper asks, how do non-binary people navigate the gendering properties of fat?

While non-binary experiences of embodiment are not always distinct from other trans experiences, the question of what it means to embody or ‘look’ non-binary is often vexed, especially for fat folk who find themselves having to negotiate with the ‘blank canvas’ model of non-binary embodiment – one that equates it with a (white, able-bodied) skinny, androgynous body devoid of the gendering taint of fatness. The aim of the paper is to draw out the range of ways non-binary people use, or not, their fat to ‘do’ their gender in order to develop understandings of how bodies ‘do’ gender at all.


The Wells Street Forum, University of Westminster, 5th floor, 32-38 Wells Street, London W1T 3UW

External visitors will need to register at reception on arrival. 

About the speakers