Francis Pakes will discuss the unique nature of prisons in Iceland, which are small, calm, and often set in remote, perhaps even idyllic, settings.

What is it like to serve time there? And what is it like for foreign national prisoners, for whom, imprisonment is often particularly difficult. How do foreign national prisoners adapt to imprisonment on the edge of Europe? This talk will utilise photographs, stories, interview data and observations to come an understanding of the nature of prisons in Iceland and the specific challenges and adaptations that foreign national prisoners face.
The Centre for the Study of Democracy and the Department of Politics and International Relations are organising a full programme of research seminars with visiting speakers this semester. You can find more details of these events on the Centre for the Study of Democracy Seminar Series Eventbrite page.
Francis Pakes is Professor of Criminology at the University of Portsmouth, UK. He is an expert on Nordic prisons and has spent time in the role of 'quasi prisoner' in Iceland's two open prisons. He has extensively written on prisons in Iceland, Norway and his native the Netherlands. His book, Comparative Criminal Justice, is in its fourth edition.
Book your place
All are welcome to attend the seminars but registration is required via Eventbrite.
Events take place on Tuesdays 4–5.30pm either in the Westminster Forum, Level 5, 32-38 Wells street, University of Westminster, W1T 3UW, or online.
Please note that for in person events, places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. For the online events, once you book your ticket, a link to the talk will be sent to you closer to the date.