The International Society for Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ISHLL) sponsors the annual International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (ICHLL) which will be held at the University of Westminster, London, June 18 - 20 2024.

Submissions are invited for presentations on the conference theme of 'Dictionaries as tools for language learning' but papers on any topic of historical lexicology and lexicography are welcomed, as are proposals for thematic workshops. Presentations can include any current research, including works in progress, with all methodologies and perspectives encouraged.
The organising committee consists of Dr Heather Pagan, Dr Sylvia Shaw and Professor Louise Sylvester from the School of Humanities, University of Westminster.
The conference will be hosted by the Westminster Forum for Languages and Linguistics and will take place at the Regent Street campus, University of Westminster, London on 16 - 18 June 2024.
How to submit
The deadline for abstract submissions is January 15 2024. Accepted papers will be notified before February 28 2024. Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be submitted electronically as an email attachment (.docx or .pdf preferred) to [email protected]. The accompanying email should include the presenter’s name, institutional affiliation as well as the title of the paper.