There are 27 core questions relating to different aspects of your student learning experience. Find out what questions you will be asked:
Teaching on my course
1. How good are teaching staff at explaining things?
2. How often do teaching staff make the subject engaging?
3. How often is the course intellectually stimulating?
4. How often does your course challenge you to achieve your best work?
Learning opportunities
5. To what extent have you had the chance to explore ideas and concepts in depth?
6. How well does your course introduce subjects and skills in a way that builds on what you have already learned?
7. To what extent have you had the chance to bring together information and ideas from different topics?
8. To what extent does your course have the right balance of directed and independent study?
9. How well has your course developed your knowledge and skills that you think you will need for your future?
Assessment and feedback
10. How clear were the marking criteria used to assess your work?
11. How fair has the assessment and feedback been on your course?
12. How well have assessments allowed you to demonstrate what you have learned?
13. How often have you received assessment feedback on time?
14. How often does feedback help you to improve your work?
Academic support
15. How easy was it to contact teaching staff when you needed to?
16. How well have teaching staff supported your learning?
Organisation and management
17. How well organised is your course?
18. How well were any changes to teaching on your course communicated?
Learning resources
19. How well have the IT resources and facilities supported your learning?
20. How well have the library resources (e.g., books, online services and learning spaces) supported your learning?
21. How easy is it to access subject-specific resources (e.g., equipment, facilities, software) when you need them?
Student voice
22. To what extent do you get the right opportunities to give feedback on your course?
23. To what extent are students' opinions about the course valued by staff?
24. How clear is it that students' feedback on the course is acted on?
25. How well does the students' union (association or guild) represent students' academic interests?
Mental wellbeing services
26. How well communicated was information about your university/college's mental wellbeing support?
Freedom of expression
27. During your studies, how free did you feel to express your ideas, opinions, and beliefs?
Institutional questions
The University has also opted to ask you one extra closed question and one extra open question:
- I am satisfied with the Students' Union
- What one thing could we have changed that would have improved your overall experience this year?
Optional questions
B7. Course delivery
1. Learning materials made available on my course have enhanced my learning
2. The range and balance of approaches to teaching has helped me to learn
3. The delivery of my course has been stimulating
4. My learning has benefited from modules that are informed by current research.
5. Practical activities on my course have helped me to learn
B8. The physical environment
1. Security has been satisfactory when attending classes
2. My institution provides an appropriate environment in which to learn
B9. Welfare resources and facilities
1. There is sufficient provision of welfare and student services to meet my needs
2. When needed, the information and advice offered by welfare and student services has been helpful
B15. Employability and skills
1. My Higher Education experience has helped me plan for my future career
2. My institution offered activities and resources designed to prepare me for the next step in my career
3. The skills I have developed during my time in Higher Education will be useful for my future career
B16. Environmental sustainability
1. My institution encourages good environmental practice
2. My course has encouraged me to think about environmental sustainability
3. I have had opportunities to take part in activities supporting environmental sustainability
B17. Student safety
1. I feel safe to be myself at university/college
2. My institution takes responsibility for my safety