Our students’ engagement, creativity and hard work has helped make our Green Fund – which provides grants of up to £5,000 for sustainability projects – a success. 

Shivangi Shah
Shivangi Shah, Software Engineering BEng

Software Engineering student Shivangi Shah got involved in the Green Fund in 2022, working as part of a team of students to create a waste-sorting robotic arm. 

“It was a fun project to work on. We 3D printed a prototype robotic arm for garbage segregation that would work on a pre-programmed sequence on the computer. We have decided to continue our project and make the arm more dynamic and easier to use.  

“The main purpose of this project is to create a garbage separation technique that workers can operate from afar and be safe from the dangers of a garbage dump. Our project also works towards a number of Sustainable Development goals

3. Good Health and Well-being 
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 
12. Responsible Consumption and Production 
13. Climate Action 
15. Life on Land 

“The Green Fund taught us a lot of skills that have been invaluable. We learned how to work as a team and how properly executed teamwork coupled with a good plan can make a project really great! Our professors included us in all parts of the project - from the idea to budget planning and execution. We had our professors' complete support and had a wonderful time doing it!” 

See photos of the robotic arm below:

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