Have you ever felt that your youth was a disadvantage? That feeling that you have no idea what you are saying or that you have no place in certain conversations?

University of Westminster student Maria Aristizabal Pineda used to feel this way, but now this belief is just a distant memory. 

Three free workshops focusing on wellbeing, self-esteem, leadership and more are being offered by Life Academy – a company Maria set up.  

Maria, a student from Colombia, is offering workshops in the form of videos titled ‘The Meaning of Life’, ‘Who Am I’ and ‘Dreams’. The three videos are part of a longer series of workshops which centre on the themes of personal development, leadership, peace within yourself, strengthening mental health, self-esteem and confidence, and empowering yourself to achieve the next stage of your life. 

The website and videos are in Spanish, but can be accessed in English by clicking the flag in the top-right hand corner of the website page. Would-be participants will then need to enrol in the free videos in order to watch them, and then switch English subtitles on. 

Speaking about the workshops, Maria said: “Young people are the largest population in the world, and we have the power to understand, to act, to change and transform our lives and our reality for the better; regardless of our age – being young is our greatest superpower!

“Unfortunately, young people don’t hear this often enough. I can tell from my own experience: as I have close ones constantly saying that they are not worth it.

“As far as I am concerned, this can be different if young people have access to empowering tools such as communication, resilience, life goals, life learning and emotional intelligence… In essence, we can elevate ourselves to create beautiful and powerful lives, but the change must start within. Mindset is everything.”

Explore the free workshops by using this link. You can also take advantage of a 50% discount for the whole programme by using the code: WESTMINSTER. 

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