Dyslexia Awareness Week, taking place from 3-9 October, is this year reflecting on the theme of Breaking Through Barriers.

Dyslexia awareness week logo

It’s estimated that one in 5 people in the UK have dyslexia. Dyslexia is a lifelong condition which means that information is processed differently.

This means that classrooms and learning need to take into account this neurodivergent way of thinking in order to ‘break down barriers’, the theme of this year's Dyslexia Awareness Week.

At Westminster we have a team of Disability Advisers who are available to help you if you think you might have a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLDs), such as dyslexia or dyspraxia.

If you have a disability or condition that affects your studies, our Disability Learning Support (DLS) Team offers confidential support to help you make the most of your studies.

You can also complete our online screening, which will give you an indication of whether you may have dyslexia or dyspraxia:

Log into Engage and complete the Online Screening for Dyslexia and Dyspraxia.

This short questionnaire will let you know if the difficulties you are facing point to the possibility of needing a full assessment. 

After filling the questionnaire, you should receive an email guiding you on the next steps to take and directing you to our Disability Learning Support team for help and advice. 

Find out more about the Disability Learning Support available at Westminster.

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