Student Disciplinary Regulations
The University is a community, and as members of the community students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is responsible and respectful to others, whether they be other students, members of staff, visitors to the University or members of the local community.
The Student Code of Conduct sets out the University's expectations in relation to behaviour on site. All students must familiarise themselves with this code of conduct.
Any breach of the Student Code of Conduct may be treated as a disciplinary matter, under the University's Student Disciplinary Procedure.
The Student Disciplinary regulations shall apply to behaviour by students wherever and whenever it may have taken place when it is considered by the University to be detrimental to another member of the University, University property or the interests and reputation of the University itself.
The procedures described in the Student Disciplinary Regulations will be used to investigate a complaint about a student. If you are making a complaint about a member of staff, please use the Student Complaints Procedure.
How report unacceptable behaviour by another student?
The University’s Student Disciplinary Regulations are intended to address misconduct by a student rather than resolve disputes between individuals. Incidents which are not a potential breach of Student Code of Conduct will not be investigated under this process.
If you feel you are concerned about behaviour from another student, you should report this to your Personal Tutor or Course Leader. They can either speak directly with the other student if they are on the same course as you or refer the matter to the other student’s Personal Tutor and Course Leader who will speak to the student and explain to them how their behaviour is affecting you, which will hopefully resolve the situation.
If the matter is serious, or you are dissatisfied with the attempts to resolve the situation informally, you can report your concerns to your College using the Concern Form. The procedures detailed in the Student Disciplinary Regulations will be used to investigate your concern.
We advise that you read the guidance for making a complaint about another student before you submit your form:
You would need to provide information about the incident or events which have prompted your complaint including: what, when, where, and who; eg observations of behaviour and impact, dates, times, locations, name(s) of those involved and any witnesses who could be contacted. You should also provide any evidence that may support your complaint e.g. copies of messages or any photographs.
Once you have completed this form it should be submitted to your College:
- Westminster Business School -
- Design, Creative and Digital Industries –
- Liberal Arts and Sciences –
Details regarding your course, school and college are located on your student record which can be accessed by logging on to the University website and viewing your ‘My Student Record’.
How do I make a disclosure about unacceptable behaviour?
The Report and Support platform is a disclosure tool that you can use to disclose unacceptable behaviour. The Report and Support platform is not a formal reporting platform, if you wish to make a formal report please use the Concern Form provided.
If you provide your contact details using the Report and Support platform, then the Wellbeing Team will contact you to offer you support and discuss the next steps that you may wish to take in relation to your disclosure.
You can access the Report and Support platform via this link: Report and Support Platform Report + Support - Report + Support - University of Westminster
Support services
If you want to receive support or discuss how the conduct has affected you, you may want to speak with University Student Support services or your Personal Tutor.
If you want to receive support or discuss how the conduct has affected you, you may want to speak with University Counselling and Mental Health Service, Student Wellbeing Service or your Personal Tutor.
Fitness to Study Procedure
Where a student's behaviour is recognised as the result of issues relating to the student's health or well-being, the Fitness to Study Procedure may be used as an alternative to disciplinary procedures.
Fitness for Registration and Practice Regulations
The University has a particular responsibility in respect of students who are following a programme of study leading to a professional qualification which is registrable with a professional, or statutory or regulatory body, and where such registration is a pre-requisite to practise that profession.
The Fitness for Registration and Practice Regulations may be used where:
(a) the student has been found guilty of academic misconduct under the University’s Academic Misconduct regulations or a disciplinary offence under the University’s Student Disciplinary regulations; or
(b) the student demonstrates behaviour and/or health issues which do not constitute misconduct under the terms of the University’s Academic Misconduct or Student Disciplinary regulations, but raise issues of their fitness for registration and practise; and
(c) there is a legal obligation to inform the professional, statutory or regulatory body about the matters covered by (a) and (b), or in the judgement of the Vice-Chancellor it would be in the public interest to do so
Please refer to the Fitness Registration and Practice Regulations for full details.