Turing Scheme

What is the Turing Scheme

The Turing Scheme is the UK Government’s programme to provide funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world.

Funding is available for placements between four weeks and one year in duration. The scheme has a focus on widening participation with additional funding available for students who traditionally face more barriers to international opportunities.

Turing can be used to fund study exchanges at partner institutions as well as international work placements and a range of short-term global opportunities. Placements must have a minimum duration of 28 days.

Please note that the University has to apply for Turing on an annual basis, so funding is contingent on the success of the institutional bid.

Read more about the Turing Scheme on Gov.uk.

Turing period

Students must complete a minimum of 28 days to receive funding support through Turing. The maximum duration is 12 months. The funding cycle currently runs from 1 September to 31 August.

Where can you go with Turing support?

Turing provides funding for students to undertake opportunities across the world. The grant amounts vary depending on the location of the placement as well as the duration and your individual student status.

Turing grant rates

Student mobility rates

HE student placements with a total duration of four to eight weeks will receive:

  • £545 per month (equal to £136.25 per week for Group 1 destinations)
  • £480 per month (equal to £120 per week for Group 2 and 3 destinations)

HE student placements with a total duration of nine weeks to twelve months will receive:

  • £380 per month (for Group 1 destinations)
  • £335 per month (for Group 2 and 3 destinations)

In addition to the cost-of-living support above, disadvantaged learners are also eligible to receive extra funding.

Participants on an HE placement meeting the disadvantaged background criteria will receive an additional £110 per month to their cost-of-living grant. As such, the total cost of living grant funding provided to students from disadvantaged backgrounds will be as follows:

For placements with a total duration of four to eight weeks:

  • £655 per month (equal to £163.75 per week to Group 1 countries or territories)
  • £590 per month (equal to £147.50 per week to Group 2 and 3 countries or territories)

For placements with a total duration of nine weeks to twelve months:

  • £490 per month (equal to £122.50 per week to Group 1 countries or territories)
  • £445 per month (equal to £111.25 per week to Group 2 and 3 countries or territories)

The different funding country groups are listed on the page for the Turing Scheme on Gov.uk.

The disadvantaged learner criteria at Westminster can also be found on Blackboard.

How to apply

Westminster students eligible for Turing funding will be contacted by the Student Mobility team and guided through the Turing funding process.

Where possible, students will be awarded 80% of their total grant in advance of the start of their period of mobility. Students then receive the second instalment of 20% upon completion of their studies and submission of all required paperwork.

If the dates of the period of mobility change, the grant will be recalculated, and the student will receive a grant amendment to outline the subsequent funding change.

Application guidance

More information about Turing for current Westminster students can be found on Blackboard.