Criminology and Sociology

Explore the key issues of our time and benefit from our outstanding professional links within Criminology and Sociology. 

Why study here?

We draw on a wide range of human and social science disciplines to explore the key issues of our time – race, gender, immigration, crime, social injustice and youth unemployment – and help you to answer critical questions about society in the UK and beyond. You’ll benefit from our friendly, inclusive and supportive learning environment and our central London location which provides inspiration and takes your learning outside the classroom.

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Industry links

Our criminology and sociology teaching teams are award-winning and at the cutting edge of research, and they are members of our Centre for Social Justice Research. You’ll benefit from our strong links with NGOs, courts, and prisons, providing you with unique insights into the field. We make the most of our central location, with field trips around the city, museum visits and themed street walks, and we also organise field trips abroad.

As part of our Criminology, Criminology and Sociology and Sociology degrees you’ll complete a work-based learning module in year two, giving you the opportunity to network and gain work experience. Opportunities can include placements with the Metropolitan Police, Explore Teaching or internships with research groups.  

Job roles

Our Criminology and Sociology courses will prepare you for careers such as:

  • Probation officer
  • Youth Justice worker
  • Civil Servant
  • Local Government Officer
  • Charity/NGO worker
  • Social researcher
  • Police officer
  • Teacher

Westminster Stories

Met police initiative group photo on the stairs

Pilot Metropolitan Police Service work placement 

The collaboration has led to Sociology and Criminology students gaining experience of what it is like to be an officer or detective.

Read moreGo to Police work placement story

Convict Criminology at Westminster at The Integrated Centre for Penal Alternatives and Social Inclusion in São Luis

Convict Criminology field trip

Seven Global Criminology MA students visited prison education projects in Brazil and Argentina.

Read moreGo to Criminology field trip story

Students complete Metropolitan Police placements 

35 students got the opportunity to see what it's like to train to be an officer or detective in the Metropolitan Police Service. 

Read moreGo to Met Police placement story

Chat with our students

Ask some of our current students about their experience of life at the University of Westminster.

Find out moreGo to the chat to our students page

What our students say

Rachel O Connor

Criminology BA Honours - 2020

Fraud Analyst Investigator | Serious Fraud Office

The most valuable part of the course was the support we received during my time studying. The lecturers ensured that we were always well-resourced and comfortable with the understanding of given tasks and assignments.

Harkiran Kaur Bharij

Sociology BA - 2020

I always knew that I wanted to study in London. Not only is the city home to some of the best universities internationally, but it's also one of the most multicultural and diverse places in the world.

Kelsea Costin

Sociology BA - 2023

The Sociology team at Westminster are incredibly compassionate, and I always felt supported in and outside of class. This helped to create trusting relationships with my lecturers and I felt comfortable being myself.  

Explore our Regent campus, where Criminology and Sociology is taught.

Contact us

Contact our Course Enquiries Team:

[email protected]

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Opening hours: 10am–4pm Monday to Friday